Saturday, March 17, 2007


We managed to get lost on the way to Northampton, but so did most of the others. Miraculously, however we all managed to arrive at Woollastons whthin a couple of minutes of each other, despite a lorry deciding to crash into a bridge, and take half of it with it.

Woolastons laid on a bountiful bar-b-que, with lashings of bacon rolls on offer. With plenty of cars to view, including a GP with 1700 miles on it, there was plenty for the group to discuss before making their way back to Oxford and home.

This was another well organised run from the Oxford MINI Club, and a most enjoyable day, which has helped raise more money for Red Nose Day 2007.


Anonymous said...

excellent stuff :-D

Anonymous said...

more even more excellent stuff :-D