Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Pub meet

Another great turnout tonight with 13 cars!

The weather was unusually kind, with a warm evening breeze, which meant we could sit outside for a change. Which was handy as Chris and Minicabrio, managed to conjour up a table top sign and massive MINI flag on a 20ft pole, just to prove to the Mazda club (who also meet at the pub) that MINIs are the best! Hehe. All done in the best possible taste of course.

Thanks to all those attending and a safe journey home to Alan and Jan who return to Italy at the end of the week.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Jordan gets the bumps

19 today

What is Rakey up to?

Rainbows end

Grub done, and Lee's obviously got the golden touch as the rainbow seems to be ending on top of our marquee.

Evening all

A short run today, to get back to the campsite for the serious stuff, tonights party. Lee and friends have put on a tasty buffet, including lots of sweeties in line with the theme of kids party.


With tonights theme being a childrens party, the MINIs have definitly come out to play in the morning sun. Lets hope it rtays like this all day.

Barmy Barcode

We had another fantastic South Downs Drinkathon last night, culminating with Rakey making the mistake of falling asleep in his chair.
So he was wrapped up and left outside, but not before all the chairs were stacked on top of him. I cant work out how he got out of that and i dont think he can remember

Mr Whhppy

Or is it Rakey?

Late night South downs

Rakey asleep snoring away .(i wish u coukd hear it!).

Friday, July 18, 2008

Let's get it started

OK, so this is me before I've even had a drink at the legendary South Downs Weekend.
It took nearly 4 hours to get here today, as it felt like the world and his daughter went on holiday.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Homeward Bound

After a 2 hour delay the Ferry's arrived. However, it's been worth the wait, as unloading are some fabulous cars, including a bentley, R8, a couple of Ferraris and a load of classic sports cars. They appear to be on a Charity Run called Grand Tour 2008 driving down to Monte Carlo.

The weathers gorgeous here in Bolougne, i wait to see what awaits us in Dover as we have recieved reports in France, that the weathers been horendous back in the UK.

Road back to Blighty

After 1700 miles and the grand total of €150 in fuel, we're on our way home. The car's well and truly run in now, and strangly improved in efficiency. It was almost like a switch being thrown. Up to beaune (1200 miles) we're getting 44mpg and averaging around the 75 mph but from there we've averaged over the 50 mpg and speed of 78 mph.

Handling wise the car gets better with each mile we drive, but that's probably more to do with getting used to driving. In the GP you didn't have to think too much about the gear you was in as it jurt 'went' regardless. In Snoopy, get him in the right gear, it's 'like cutting butter!'

Wednesday, July 09, 2008


After watching the Supercars in Monaco, we've spent the evening in St Tropez watching the huge super yachts come and go. It was the onto diner in a local restaurant before setting off back to our campsite.

Do you know i think i've got Supercar blindness after all the bling i've seen today.

Smallest Bentley Town

Well not quite, but ie you've got the money around here, you'll get valet parked like the big boys.

It's fculously chic around here and you loose count of all the Mercedes and Bentleys, but for 45 Euros you can be chaufeur driven around part of the F1 curcuit in a Ferrari.

But who needs a red Ferrari when you've got your very own Ferrari Red Clubby.

Into Monaco

Well we spent an exellent evening in the company of Beastmaster, Peanut, RVW and Storm last night and after a quick bit of breakfast we're making our way into Monaco, following a classic Ferrari.

It's a gorgeous day here, and perfect for driving along the coast.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Beaune, France

After a 400 mile journey a on one tank of fuel averaging 75 mph we arrived in Beaune and still with 137 miles in the tank. Crikey what a diffenence to our beloved Grampy.

The cars officially run in now and 'loosened up nicely' taking in the French motorways in it's stride and eating the miles up! Believe me this car is fast! And that's from someone who's done 150 mph on the German Autobahns.

The only downside from doing this sort of constant speed, is the consumptions down to 44 mpg, but hey, in Grampy, the speeds we were achieving yesterday, we'd have been lucky to get 24 mpg!

We met an English/American family at the hotel we stayed at last night who thought Snoopy and our 'stretch limo MINI' were 'Awesome'!

Yep and loving every minute of it!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Meet Snoopy

A bit of company for the Red Baron, aka Chris.

Been to the Boudoir

The Doghouse has been up to see Minipirate for a bit of styling.

Why the Doghouse? I hear you saying. Tune in a bit later and all will be revealed.